Gynecological Surgery We Offer

We offer gyn surgery for the following benign conditions:

  • Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
  • Submucosal Myomas
  • Endometrial Polyps

Endometrial Ablation

Endometrial Ablation is an outpatient procedure that removes or destroys the endometrial layers. Various devices are used including high-energy radiofrequencies, heated fluids, extreme cold, or microwave energy. The procedure is performed to reduce heavy menstrual bleeding and in many cases is an effective alternative to more invasive surgical treatments.

Operative Hysteroscopy Resection of Polyps and Submucosal Myomas

One of the most common outpatient procedures in Gynecology the Operative Hysteroscopy is done to visualize inside the uterine cavity and remove polyps and submucous myomas (myomas abutting the lining of the uterus or entirely in the cavity). Also done in cases of heavy or irregular bleeding and to exclude pre-cancerous or cancerous abnormalities.


(305) 534-2926

We are a member of the TopLine MD Alliance, a collective group of practices, providers and specialty centers that help patients navigate a complicated healthcare system.

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